Community Across Borders

Association of Czech Turkish Technology Professionals

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CTTP: Association of Czech-Turkish Technology Professionals (Spolek česko-tureckých technologických profesionálů, z. s.), is an association located in Prague, Czech Republic within the meaning of §214 et seq. Act no. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code.

CTTP is a self-governing and voluntary association of natural persons. CTTP is non-political and religious independent.


The purpose of the CTTP is to contribute to the development of cooperation between the Czech Republic and the Republic of Turkey, in particular then between their citizens, residents and technology NGOs.

For this purpose, the Association primarily

  • organizes educational events and projects,
  • organizes online and offline training and meetings, especially in the interest of strengthening and simplifying communication among professionals,
  • cooperates with state administration bodies, local governments and embassies of both countries and others public institutions,
  • cooperates with organizations similarly focused (especially on new technologies), operating in particular in the Czech Republic, Turkey and other countries,
  • supports networking between institutions of the non-profit sector, especially between focused organizations to new technologies,
  • performs publishing activities,
  • supports the independent initiative of its members or other organizations in all the above-mentioned areas, if it is in line with the association's mission.

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